前置詞(Single-word prepositions)
- 意味
- ~に乗って(on board of)
- 意味
- ①~について(on the subject of)
- ②およそ(approximately)
above (~より上方に)
- 意味
across (~を横切って)
- 意味
after (~の後に)
- 意味
against (~に対して)
- 意味
along (~にそって)
- 意味
alongside (~と並んで)
- 意味
among (~の間に)
- 意味
around (~のまわりに)
- 意味
as (~として)
- 意味
at (”特定の一点を指し”~で)
- 意味
before (~の前に)
- 意味
behind (~の後ろに)
- 意味
below (~の下方に)
- 意味
beneath (~の下に)
- 意味
beside (~のそばに)
- 意味
besides (~の他にも)
- 意味
between (~の間に)
- 意味
beyond (~を超えて)
- 意味
but (~を除いて)
- 意味
by (~によって)
- 意味
concerning (~に関して)
- 意味
despite (~にも関わらず)
- 意味
down (~の下へ)
- 意味
during (~の間に)
- 意味
except, excepting (~を除いて)
- 意味
for (~のために、~に(とって))
- 意味
from (~から)
- 意味
in (~の中に)
- 意味
inside (~の中に、内側に)
- 意味
into (~の中に)
- 意味
less (~ぶん少ない、~を引いた)
- 意味
like (~のように)
- 意味
minus (~を減らした)
- 意味
near (~の近くに)
- 意味
of (~の)
- 意味
off (~から離れて)
- 意味
on (~に接して)
- 意味
onto (~の上に)
- 意味
opposite (~の向こう側に)
- 意味
out (~の外へ)
- 意味
outside (~の外〔側〕に)
- 意味
over (~の真上に)
- 意味
past (~を通り過ぎて)
- 意味
plus (~を加えて)
- 意味
round (~のまわりに)
- 意味
save (~を除いて)
- 意味
since (~からずっと)
- 意味
than (~よりも)
- 意味
through (~を通って)
- 意味
throughout (~の間〔ずっと〕)
- 意味
till (~まで)
- 意味
to (~に、~まで)
- 意味
toward (~の方へ)
- 意味
under (~の真下に)
- 意味
underneath (~の下に)
- 意味
until (~まで)
- 意味
up (~の上に)
- 意味
upon (~に接して)
- 意味
via (~を通って)
- 意味
with (~と一緒に)
- 意味
within (~のうちに)
- 意味
without (~なしで、~せずに)
- 意味
複合前置詞(Complex prepositions)・群前置詞(Multiple-word prepositions)
according to
across from
adjacent to
ahead of
along with
apart from
as for
as of
as per
as regards
aside from
back to
base on
because of
close to
counter to
down on
due to
except for
far from
inside of
instead of
left of
near to
next to
opposite of
opposite to
other than
out from
out of
outside of
owing to
prior to
pursuant to
rather than
regardless of
right of
subsequent to
such as
thanks to
up to
based on
as far as
as opposed to
as soon as
as well as
with regard to
in regards to
at the behest of
by means of
by virtue of
for the sake of
for lack of
for want of
in accordance with
in addition to
in case of
in front of
in lieu of
in place of
in point of
in spite of
on account of
on behalf of
on top of
with regard to (sometimes written as “w/r/t”)
with respect to
with a view to
石黒昭博(2002)『高校総合英語 Forest(フォレスト) 第3版』桐原書店